a book by hawkeye


Published in 2018, this short memoir/manifesto/overgrown school project tackles the reality of food allergic living on the crest of the allergic wave.

60 pages

From hamartia press :)

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So, Hawkeye published a book. And as difficult as it is for her to admit it (she is from the Midwest, you know), she would like you to buy it. And read it. And maybe post about it on your socials? No, that might be a step too far.

In any case, you can be the proud owner of a copy of Hawkeye’s funky little memoir for the low low price of 12 US dollaroos.

(It costs 10 US dollaroos just to print the darn thing, so Hawkeye’s profit margins are THIN.)

For every purchase of this book, Hawkeye’s mother will weep a little less that her daughter was an English major (take THAT humanities degree!).